Nice job with abelton
I have no idea how it works but I hope you're having fun
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Nice job with abelton
I have no idea how it works but I hope you're having fun
Thanks :) And yeah, Ableton is pretty fun so far
The biggest difference between FL studio (to which I'm used) and Ableton is that FL is pattern based. That means when I want to begin writing let's say a piano part, I have to first create a pattern, write the notes into the pattern and then tell FL to play the pattern. I guess an advantage of this is that you can reuse patterns, they don't have to play just once. In Ableton, each instrument has its own track that just plays from the start of a song to the end.
Another difference is the mixer! When you want to put some effects on an instrument or audio, you route the instrument into a mixer channel, onto which you put the effects. In ableton, you apply effects directly onto instruments, with no mixer inbetween.
How only 4 page of reveiw :(
Add a bossfight and you would complete the ultimate Nordic collab